Finding the roots. No one is born atheist.

It is the lack of knowledge, the lack of evidence, the rejection of the existence of God, the inability to trace the roots of certain commands in Holy Books, and some arguments that fall flat to convince because of non-belief.

An atheist will NOT be convinced by a religious argument but by one that is logically holding its roots in religion. This means to fight atheism, you need to be knowledgeable enough to debunk atheist arguments in today’s world. Otherwise, you will find yourself drowning in the never ending debate of who created the world or if God truly exists. 

COUNTER POINT will serve as a hub of the right information to combat atheism and strengthen the faith of people. With the right sources of information, you can sharpen your arguments and have a logical approach in dealing with modern ideological challenges. 

All the information on this campaign will have a sole purpose and that is to understand the ways of strengthening faith and developing arguments for the existence of God.

© 2022 Counter Point.